Old Kempton Apple Liqueur 700ml
Old Kempton Apple Liqueur 700ml
The Apple liqueur is made using locally produced apple cider which is double distilled into an Austrian style Apple schnapps before being sweetened using a house made sugar syrup into a Liqueur. This process captures the brightness of fresh apple on the nose and a heavier more baked apple flavour on the palate. The addition of the sugar syrup overlays these flavours with a toffee sweetness, ideal for mixed drinks or sipping over ice.
25% Alc. Vol.
Base Alcohol: Apple Cider
Aroma: Baked apple with just a hint of cinnamon and cloves.
Palate: The sweetness and viscosity of the liqueur provides a sweet toffee apple flavour that dominates the palate.
Finish: Toffee apple persists through the finish with just a little mixed spice providing depth and complexity.